Sunday, February 28, 2010

Marlowe and Her Thumb

Well, it's official. Marlowe sucks her thumb. Our first thumb sucker. She has no interest in pacifiers at all anymore. I can't see it as a bad thing right now but I fear for her in the future. It's so nice that she can self-soothe and she's such an excellent sleeper and peaceful baby. And, boy oh boy, is it ever precious when she does it...for now.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

She's sooo precious. I have two thumb suckers myself. They are definitely my best sleepers. It is pretty darn cute when they are little but when they get to be almost 4, not so much. Let me know if you figure out how to stop it. I have one determined to do it in his words "until I'm a dad." Awesome.