My friend did this questionnaire on her blog and I thought it was pretty cute. I asked my kids to answer a few questions...
1. What is something Mom always says to you?
Sterling: to not play the WII (he's not old enough)
Abby: I love you
Buster: go to bed (only every night!)
2. What makes Mom happy?
S: cleaning up toys (really?)
A: having fun
B: doing stuff when you don't have to ask us (yes!)
3. What makes Mom sad?
S: not cleaning up toys
A: if Ace dies
B: if we leave our backpacks on the bus (hmmm)
4. How does your Mom make you laugh?
S: by being a clown
A: she acts like a nerd
B: by making faces
5. What was your Mom like as a child?
S: me! no...yeah!
A: I don't know
B: you liked candy
6. How old is your Mom?
S: no, Mom, you tell me cause I don't know how old you are
A: Uh...31
B: thirty...two?
7. How tall is your Mom?
S: 54 feet tall (heehee)
A: 5 foot 2
B: 5 feet
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
S: turn stuff off (not quite)
A: laugh (yes)
B: wash the dishes (not quite)
9. What does your Mom do when you're not around?
S: write stuff
A: go to parties (we had gone to a Halloween party the night before)
B: play with Sterling (while he's at school everyday)
10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
S: Abby's Halloween dress (I made her a cute tutu for her witch costume)
A: Um, being a nerd as an actress or something? (thanks a lot)
B: Dancing (no way)
11. What is your Mom really good at?
S: playing the piano (the kids are catching up to my skill level really fast)
A: yelling (uh oh)
B: playing with Sterling
12. What is your Mom not very good at?
S: playing the recorder (true)
A: arguing with Dad (true)
B: picking us up early (true)
13. What does your Mom do for her job?
S: ironing
A: us
B: be a Mom
14. What is your Mom's favorite food?
S: lasagna
A: um, salad
B: pancakes
15. What makes you proud of your Mom?
S: reading books
A: that she usually doesn't try to start an argument (do we argue too much?)
B: cooking
16. If your Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
S: Uniqua (Backyardigans)
A: mmm, probably Mr. Krabs' Mom (Spongebob)
B: Squidword or Sandy, either one (Spongebob) (not sure how to interpret this one)
17. What do you and your Mom do together?
S: play games
A: go to movies and go to the mall
B: ride in the car or shop at the store (he dislikes both of these activities)
18. How are you and your Mom the same?
S: we do have the same eyes!
A: we both like painting nails
B: we both like to watch TV
19. How are we different?
S: we don't have the same hair and we don't have the same size of our nose
A: she has brown hair and I have blonde hair
B: I'm a kid, you're a grown up
20. How do you know your Mom loves you?
S: I'm guessing (silly boy)
A: uh, cause she days it everyday
B: because she says it
21. What does your Mom like most about your Dad?
S: when Daddy dances
A: he's handsome
B: his hair color (funny answer)
22. Where is your Mom's favorite place to go?
S: stores, parks and Abby's dentist
A: um, Olive Garden
B: to Target
Don't kids say the darndest things!? This questionnaire gave me great insight into my children's lives. I can see lots of areas with room for improvement. They kept asking me why I was asking them all these wierd questions. Thanks for playing guys!